Thursday, May 01, 2008

Gearing Up-April 27th, 2008

Sunday night we got into our pairs and spent the whole night practicing for Tokyo. My partner wasn't there, so I got a chance to practice with my partner from last year. He's been doing aikido for around 20 years, so he's great and great to work with. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

This is me completing ikkyou. I need to keep my back straight. It gives more control during the technique and looks better.

Here my girlfriend is being thrown in kotagaeshi. This guy is really smooth; his wazas look beautiful. His sense of time and speed are spot on; he knows the right moment to "snap the whip" and give a photo finish to this technique.

Now it is my girlfriend's turn. She's got the rhythm down right and this guy went flying.

I'll throw in one more just for fun. Here's me going down like a crashing plane in ikkyou ura. No, I didn't land face first. I landed on my chest using my free arm to guide along the mat.

That's all I had time to catch on camera that night. Until then, I'm signing off.

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