Wednesday, September 05, 2007

September 2nd, 2007-Stabbing Forward

Hey folks, big apologies. I haven't been at the dojo in awhile. Life, stuff, summer. Anyway, we went last Sunday. It has been cooling down, but not much. The dojo was hot. Oh well.

We focused on stab defense techniques. The opponent attacked with a tsuki (突き)and we tried several different wazas throughout the night. We ran through ikkyo and nikkyo to get warm up. I was a bit out of practice, but it came back to me quickly.

We spent a long time working on kotogaeshi. Our first move is to touch the attacker's fist and then spin into the waza. The opponent is pushed into an awkward position and thus becomes easier to throw.

We tried a variation of kotogaeshi that involves using irmintenkan then spinning with our backs to the opponent. We grab their wrist with our hind hand from behind our backs. It is a great technique when done smoothly. I didn't. Or rather, I could with my left hand but not with my right. Bit strange for a right-handed man.

Honestly Sensei seemed a little grumpy that night. He didn't correct us much, just sat there watching. A lot of us were stopping to rest frequently throughout the session. Myself included.

To wrap up, it was hot and I made a lot of mistakes. Banged up my wrists a bit. But it was great to practice. I really want to include aikido in my life again.