Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pairing Up-April 20th, 2008

Sunday night we were put into our pairs and practiced for Tokyo. There was some reshuffling of the partners and and now I am working with a rather new fellow. He has only been in our dojo for about 2 or months, but he practiced elsewhere for about a year. His ukemi is coming along nicely and he was fun to throw around that night.

My plan is to stick to the first routine of techniques that my former partner chose. We will do ryotedori (両手取り) in Tokyo. That gives us quite a few choices of wazas. I'll give you a list later. Now, I want to show you a few photos from that evening. It has been a long time since I posted pictures. Sorry about that, folks.

Nice shot of the first stage of kohkyuunage. Aite approaches and...

Gets thrown on his ass!

And more time, just for good measure!

These next pics are of the shihan tossing his partner like an old sack of rice. With sabaki and omoiyari, of course!

This last one is pretty funny. The shihan looks puzzled about something. "Did I do that right?" or maybe, "Why isn't she moving?"

I'm not sure what is going through his head, but I know it is unwise to question a master. Just leave well enough alone. And with that, I will say "Sayonara" until next time.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Last time I was in Mie I got some CDs from sensei about your lessons.
Actually your girlfriend was the one who who probably followed sensei's ideas closest of all students, doing all waza's well-centered. She may only need a more decisive 'snap' when using the wrist and a stronger 'fix' when using the waste, but she seems to be aware of that and is actively practising that. These 'snap' and 'fix' things can be well studied at home when using a sword or stick. I am now sometimes using a small plastic sword (of my son) at home, since obviously my wife wouldn't like when I swing the real katana at home.
