Sunday, May 11, 2008

More Practice, More Pictures-May 3rd, 2008

Week late posting. My bad. Spent most of the evening working on our routines for Tokyo. Sensei spent a great deal of time giving me feedback on a few techniques.

Here I am doing kotogaeshi with my partner. Sensei said I need to make a bigger circle with my arms. I keep my body small and so my technique looks weak and makes it hard to throw him. It also makes it hard for him to be thrown.

This is the final stage of the waza. I have a bad habit of lowering my hands too much. I mistakenly thought that I was helping my partner land safely, but actually I'm not controlling my technique very well. My partner is a nice guy, so he rolled properly despite my error.

Here's the sensei explaining and modeling the proper form. Bigger circle creates a better form. Not sure where I picked up the bad habit of keeping my movements so small and constricted. Perhaps being 185cm in Japan and banging my head on doorways caused it. In the dojo, I have the freedom to move wide and large but I don't always utilize my size to its advantage. Gomen sensei, I'm still learning.

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