Saturday, June 09, 2007

March 26&27, 2007-Tokyo!

Sorry folks, bit late. Yeah, we went to Tokyo to participate in the Enbukkai at the Nihon Budokan. That was a great weekend. All that practice paid off. Everyone did great.

We waited for almost three hours to perform aikido for two minutes. My partner and I marched out, bowed to each other then did 15 wazas in 90 seconds. Bowed again and marched away.

I did a quick series of shihonage, kotogaeshi, sumiotoshi and a few others. Finished off with nikkyo. I thinked I goofed on the first waza but my very kind partner covered for me and did a great tobiukemi.

Saturday night, we went to our usual place in Shinjuku and ate some fantastic Chinese food.

Sunday morning we went to the Hombu Dojo and partciapted in two back-to-back sessions. There were so many people, it was a bit difficult to do anything very well. Everyone was constantly banging heads. Still, I like the surprise factor in practicing with strangers. Don't know their rank, their ability. Its a good test of my own ability to react to the unknown.

That wraps up another Enbukkai. Can't wait for next year. I'm still dreaming of that Chinese food.

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