Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 16th, 2007-Rocks in the Way

Tried on my new dogi last night. Still a bit baggy, need to wash it more.
Last night we did a whole series of techniques based on aihanmi as a starting point. We practiced ikkyo, nikkyo, sankyo and iriminage as I recall. With each waza, the sensei showed us two or three variations. This allows us to respond to different situations such as a very strong opponent or having our leading hand pushed down. Instead of pushing our "hand sword" (手刀)up against a strong force, it is much easier and more effective to step behind or away from the opponent. This causes them to lose their superior position and then we can gain control.

Writing now, this concepts seems so obvious. But in the dojo, and all aspects of my life, I waste so much time and energy banging my head on a rock. Walking around a boulder in my path would be far easier for me. The rock doesn't care.

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