Sunday, February 24, 2008

One on One-February 17, 2008

Last Sunday, went to practice. Only one student-me. Two people watched from the sidelines. The sensei sat in the opposite corner and the junior sensei and I spent two hours going over just about every single waza we could think of. Ikkyo, nikyo, kotogaeshi, etc.

I won't go into all the minute details here. Suffice to say, after making black belt, the teachers hone in on every tiny detail of my performance of a technique. A centimeter to the left here, focus on the opponent's shoulder not the wrist, etc.

My girlfriend does the same thing. Critiques every aspect of my life. From washing the dishes to folding the laundry. I have read and now truly understand (了解) this aspect of Japanese culture. It is a far cry from the "good enough" attitude that is associated with American culture. It does drive me bonkers, but I have seen and reaped the rewards of this meticulous (細かい) mentality.

Oh, my girlfriend and another sat in the corner and watched the two of us. I heard quite a bit of laughter as I grunted in pain. What was educational for me was entertaining for them. Two birds with one stone, ne?

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