So it was my turn Saturday. Right after our warm-up, sensei looked at me and said OK. Time for my black belt test. My partner for the first part was a nidan Dutchman. Good guy, pretty intense. He just flew at me full force. Didn't have much time to think. Could barely hear the sensei calling out the techniques.
We went through a long list of wazas. Zagi, ushirodori, tanto (knife) attacks, etc. Oh yeah, he picked up a katana and tried to skewer me. I had to perform ten wazas like that. With a long sword coming straight at you, you have virtually no time to think. My hands were a flurry of motion. I think I did ok, mistakes notwithstanding. He didn't run the sword through my gut and make yakitori out of me, so that's a success in my book.
The last part was me doing kokyuunage with four opponents. I've done that before, can be quite a bit of fun. These guys were running at me randomly, grabbing me at every opportunity. Honestly at this point, I was a bit tired but kept going.
The whole thing was so quick, I didn't realize that 40 minutes flew by. My only conscious thoughts during the test were of focusing my energy in my stomach and breathing. Yup, breathing. As they approached me, I inhaled and moved towards them. Then I exhaled as I turned and threw them. Everything was a blur. Couldn't make out faces, I could only see clouds of white uniforms charging me.
Then the sensei said "Kekkoo desu" and I did zagi kokyuuhoo with another fellow and it was all over. Like a little child, I took my first step.